1935 Indianapolis Speedway 500 Mile Race $25 Lottery Ticket
1940 Ab Jenkins, Racing Mayor of Salt Lake City American Hammered Piston Rings Ad
1952 Plew's Indy 500 Museum Souvenir Ad
1955 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation Box Office Order
1955 Timing Chart Indy Belond Miracle Power Special
1956 Sports Illustrated Magazine - Bob Sweikert Kind of the Brickyard
1957 Indianapolis 500 Victory Banquet Program - signed
1959 Sports Illustrated Magazine - Indianapolis a Preview of the 500
1960 Indianapolis 500 Victory Banquet Program
1960 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Bob McLean at Canfield Fairgrounds
1961 Indianapolis 500 Victory Banquet Program
1961 Sports Illustrated Magazine - Hot Rod Cult
1962 Indianapolis 500 Victory Banquet Program
1962 Timing Chart for 2.5 mile track, Drewrys Beer, list of Indy winners up to 1962, Jim Hurtubise mentioned
1963 Indianapolis 500 Victory Banquet Program
1964 Time Chart for 2.5 mile track, List of Indy winning drivers, Falstaff, Friendly Beverages Indianapolis. Mentions records set by Johhny Thompson, Ed Elisian and Dick Rathman
1964 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Bob Wente at Eldora Speedway
1964 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Bob Wente at Santa Fe Park Track
1965 Timing Chart for 2.5 mile track, Drewrys Beer, list of Indy winners up to 1965, Jimmy Clark mentioned
1965 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Bob Wente at Kokomo Speedway
1966 Indianapoilis Race Travel / Tour Brochure
1966 Indianapolis 500 Victory Banquet Program
1966 Timing Chart for 2.5 mile track, Drewrys Beer, list of Indy winners up to 1966, AJ Foyt mentioned
1966 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Bob Wente at Berlin Raceway
1966 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Tommy Copp at Bob-Jo Speedway
1967 Sports Illustrated Magazine - The 500
1968 Sports Illustrated Magazine - Indianapolis The Turbine Insurrection
1968 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Sam Sessions at Berlin Raceway
1968 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Sam Sessions at Manzanita Park
1969 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Dave Strickland at Elko Speedway
1969 United States Auto Club USAC Certificate of Performance Shannon Brothers Offy & Dave Strickland at Jackson Motor Speedway