1957 Hoosier Hundred Ticket. Signed by Rodger Ward.
1911-1986 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Runners-Up List Compliments of Roger Karban & Virginia Dowling
1951 35th Indianapolis 500 Mile Race Information Trifold Pamphlet featuring the Novi Purlube Specials Duke Nalon & Chet Miller
1958 United States Auto Club USAC Press Arm Band
The Indianapolis 500 Starring Marquette In The Great Racing Tradition Full-color Program by Tadlock
Gordan Johncock Postcard Oversized
Cribari California Wines Postcard Oversized
Mario Andretti Postcard Oversized
Indianapolis Motor Speedway 500 Notepad
1974 Raymond Companies Special Indy 500 Button
Al Unser Jr. Press Pass Trading Card
Al Unser Jr. AW Sports Trading Card
Michigan International Speedway Button
Great Racing Heroes Bill Vukovich Scrapbook
Turn Left by Dee Dee and the Bee Bee's 45rpm Vinyl Record
Champion Road Race Board Game
Hero Card Lot of 10+
Pat O'Connor 1955 Ansted rotary Spl. Indianapolis 500 Postcard Oversized
A.J. Foyt 1975 Gilmore/Valvoline Postcard Oversized
Al Unser 1973 Viceroy Postcard Oversized
Russ Polak and Larry Dickson Postcard Oversized
Sam Hanks 1957 Belond Exhaust Special Postcard Oversized
Fred Agabashian 1958 City of Memphis, Tenn Postcard Oversized
Tony Bettenhausen 1951 Mel Wiggers Special Postcard Oversized
87 piece Collection of Vintage Automotive Lighters, Ashtrays and a bit more….
Original Domino's Pizza Magnet
Original CART Championship Auto Racing Teams Magnet
Original International Sandusky Speedway Pendant
Mel Kenyon Racing Poem
1975 Silver Floss Special Meal and Drink Coupon
Starting Line Lounge 2nd Drink Free Coupon